Preschool Program
(2 ½ years to 4 years)

About our Preschool Program
Early years programs play an important role in supporting children’s learning, development, health, and well-being. As such, the Emergent Curriculum allows our educators in the classroom to gain greater insight into the needs of each individual child for thoughtful and customized programming, and to guide learning in a way that evolves over time. We strive to work with each child as an individual while guiding them to fit responsibly in a group setting and grow as confident individuals ready for school.
Our full-day program includes a total of two-hours of outdoor time minimum twice a day morning and afternoon weather permitting.
We have two Preschool classrooms. Each room accommodates 24 Preschoolers with 1:8 ratio of staff to children.
Features & Amenities
- Individual cots
- Classroom has frontage and accessibility to the outdoor playground area.
- Child-friendly, Healthy and Nutritious morning and afternoon snacks and catered lunch.
- Large windows in the room offer good exterior view and flow of natural lights throughout the day and seasons.
- Each Preschool room is adjacent to its own attached washroom and change area.
- Child’s daily report delivered each day to parents/guardian’s mobile device or email.

Take a peek into our Preschool program rooms
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