Toddler Program
(18 months to 30 months)

About our Toddler Program
Our Toddler program is designed to be an interactive experience between the classroom, the educators, and the children. The program provides each child to freely explore their environment, hands-on exploration, social interaction, practice independence and develop language skills in a secure, warm, and friendly environment. Our implementation of the Emergent Curriculum for toddlers is designed to adapt to each child’s interest and provide developmentally age-appropriate activities and freeing them to construct knowledge together.
Our full-day program includes a total of two-hours of outdoor time minimum twice a day morning and afternoon weather permitting. In addition to that, toddlers will engage daily in active learning through exploration and play, small group activities, story time, free activities, rest, and nap time.
We have two Toddler classrooms. Each room accommodates 15 toddlers with 1:5 ratio of staff to children.
Features & Amenities
- Individual cots
- Classroom has frontage and accessibility to the outdoor playground area.
- Child-friendly, Healthy and Nutritious morning and afternoon snacks and catered lunch.
- Large windows in the room offer good exterior view and flow of natural lights throughout the day and seasons.
- Each Toddler room is adjacent to its own attached washroom and change area.
- Child’s daily report delivered each day to parents/guardian’s mobile device or email.

Take a peek into our Toddler program rooms
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